React Native
Building an Animated Slider Button in React Native
Animation and gesture handling are crucial aspects of mobile app development, enhancing the user experience and making your app more interactive. In React Native, you can achieve these functionalities through libraries like react-native-gesture-handler and react-native-gesture-handler or use the Animated api provided by the React Native itself instead of relying on any external animation libraries. In this blog post, we'll explore how to create a slider button component that leverages React Native Reanimated and react-native-gesture-handler for smooth animations and gesture handling.
React Native
Simplifying Form Validation in React Native with Formik and Yup
Handling form validation in React Native can be a challenging task. Luckily, there are powerful libraries available, such as Formik and Yup, that can streamline the process and make form validation a breeze. In this blog post, we will explore how to use Formik and Yup together to create robust and efficient form validation in React Native.
React Native
Handling environment specific configurations in React Native
Many modern-day applications now go through different stages of the product cycle such as development, staging, production etc. Having different environment variables for each environment will make it a lot easier to manage any application. This article is intended to share one solution to address this problem in React Native. We will be using a library called react-native-config for this purpose; you can also try react-native-dotenv.
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